Myrtos Beach, Kephalonia, Greece - said to be the most photographed beach in the world. The light from its shimmering Ionian waters ranges from a light turquoise to a deep purple blue. Reminding me of the higher chakras.
"Yoga is a light which, once lit, will never dim. The better your practice the brighter the flame"
B.K.S Iyengar

Farewell from my  Summer patch as my autumn classes resume on Tuesday!
Om Shanti       Nameste!

This is a really good stretch to get you started again.
Make sure you do all the mindful body preparation from feet upwards to protect your joints, establish your alignment at your feet, knees, hips, shoulders, neck and eye-level. Take your time, and honour your practice.

You may also like to take a look at......  .... this site gives a sweet animated pinmen version of Egyptian Salutation to the Sun . Once you remember the sequence you are doing you can get a lovely yoga flow going. Use the breath with the movement if it comes naturally, or just practice the sequence and be in touch your body and spirit.


Make it your practice for today to cultivate self-awareness and self-love. No matter how much you have suffered, your soul sees you as whole. When you feel out of balance, anxious, or alone, pause for a moment and take a deep breath. In the quiet moment of a pause you can assess the gentle refuge of your heart. Take a few moments to close your eyes and sit quietly, feeling your heart as a soft, warm enclosure. Let your attention settle there and rest as long as you wish.

(from Deepak Chopra's 21 day meditation challenge)

During July and August there are yoga classes organised where a different teacher takes a class each week, and all the money is raised for four local charities. Last week the class was taken by Alan, his chosen charity being Herefordshire Nature Trust, of which the Lugg Meadow is a part.... the Lugg River is pictured here.

He began the class with a beautiful poem which I would love to share with you.

                                           Stream of Life
The same stream of life that runs through our veins night and day
runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures.

It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of earth in numberless blades of grass
and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers.

It is the same life that is rocked in the ocean-cradle of birth 
and of death, in ebb and flow.

I feel my limbs are made glorious by the touch of this world of life.
And my pride is from the life-throb of ages dancing in my blood this moment.

                                                                                                 Rabindranath Tagore


 The delicious cherries are ripening and plentiful in Herefordshire. I love them, their round shape, their deep rich colour, juicy texture and taste.

What is their connection to Yoga?  ....Simply, that Yoga teaches us that all life is transient, and, the cherry season like life is transient and bitter sweet.

This is best described by Katherine Swift, in 'The Morville Year'....

"Cherry trees have always been synonymous with the brevity of life, not only because of the fleeting nature of their blossoms, but because of the short season for their fruit. the sight of them, like the taste of the wild fruit, can be bitter sweet."

In yoga, be open to all the senses! Enjoy x

As the heatwave continues and energies get sapped I need to sit quietly and check back in with myself. I sit down and begin to stretch my legs out in Dandasana (the rod pose) , then slowly cross my legs at the shins (not the ankles) to sit in Sukasana (Su-kasa Sanskit for Easy Posy). As this isn't always easy I prefer to think of it as 'pose of ease'. Where my body starts to be aware of getting into alignment, and mentally feel at ease.

 Sitting well on my sitting bones -  with hands taking the buttock flesh out to the sides. My knees are level with my hips - if your knees are higher than your hips, to be comfortable, you may need to sit on blocks or a folded blanket until they are almost level. Now start body awareness - spine is erect as possible, upright to the sky: Front body lifting, lifting up from the pelvis to the navel, from the navel to the breastbone, breastbone to crown; abdomen is drawn back and up - toned, not rigid. Back body descending, shoulders are drawn back and down bringing shoulder blades together  take the arms back, bend elbows to help take the shoulders back and down. Head level. Legs relaxed. Face, relaxed. Swallow to relax the throat, smile to relax the jaw. The back remains active.
Now bring hands, palms together, pointing out away from the body, thumbs together pointing in towards the body, in the Indian greeting. Close your eyes and notice your breathing. Allow the breath to settle and the mind to settle. Bring your attention back to your breathing. Take some gentle deep breaths in and gentle deep breaths out.


Breathe in calm........Breathe out relax...........Breathe in calm ..........Breathe out relax  ( 10 - 15 rounds)


To practice yoga at home consistently I would set aside the optimum time - maybe an hour or so, have fasted for two hours or four after a main meal have loose clothing on and be in a special, quiet space with no interruptions.
But of course life's not always like that, is it? Some of the time it may be - so great I can do 'official' yoga and have a wonderful time maybe with some candles as well.
However, if I don't have all this personal luxury on a daily basis does that mean I don't do any yoga?

Of course not. Yoga is a must do for me. If I can only spare 5 minutes in my hectic day 5 minutes it is. It may even be during a coffee break or after reading a newspaper. THERE IS NO SET RULE FOR YOUR HOME PRACTICE, as the day is filled with many interruptions. I always believe HOME PRACTICE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT. It is YOURS.    So............
....... I can move and I can breathe - I can do this consciously. I can stretch my hamstrings. I can lift my chest and take my shoulders back and down. I can breathe in and breath out for a couple of deep breaths. I CAN DO this consciously for 5 minutes today!

  I do have a best time to practise yoga it is usually first thing in the morning when I need to stretch my body which is stiff after being in bed all night. For a friend of mine her practice is always last thing at night.
Do you have a best time? Can you do yoga for 5 minutes each day .....this week?
Whatever time you have or choose..... Enjoy your yoga!

Nameste is the traditional Indian greeting that roughly translates as 'the spirit or higher universal self in me bows to the higher or universal self in you'.
            The Blessing of the Elements

                           I arise today
            Through the strength of heaven
                           Light of sun
                       Radiance of moon
                       Splendour of fire
                                                                          Speed of lightening
                                                                          Swiftness of wind
                                                                               Depth of sea
                                                                             Stability of Earth
                                                                             Firmness of rock.

                                                                                        Celtic Blessing

The sun is at its strongest for us in Britain right now, a heat wave in the 30s (degrees centigrade) for the past week. We've experienced some extremes in temperatures and rainfall/ snowfall this year. Global warming .........but also a reminder that for all the money and power in the world, the elements are even stronger and are always with us and ever changing. A reminder of the impermanence of things and, a new day to do some YOGA!

    Pat Hayes

     British Wheel of Yoga Teacher since 2000 and yoga student for more than 30 years. Here I share some personal thoughts, reflections  quotes I find interesting, useful,  beautiful. Short yoga practices.

    I would love you to click on Comments as I would love to hear from you. x


    August 2013
    July 2013

